Deepika Padukone has come a long way. From her days as a model in Bangalore to gracing Kingfisher’s Calendar to giving us multiple hit films. Deepika has spent eight years in the industry and is only getting better with every performance. She started her Bollywood career with Farah Khan‘s Om Shanti Om opposite King Khan. It was obviously the perfect beginning and one which, every girl with Bollywood dreams, can only hope for. Her career hit a low for a couple of years, but the lady was back with a bang in Cocktail. As she turns thirty this year, we give you reasons why she is an absolute inspiration.
She is a diva
Deepika is not only one of the best put-together ladies that Bollywood can boast of, but she also carries herself better than most of her contemporaries.
Making her space
Deepika Padukone comes from a sports background. Even though she isn’t from a filmy pedigree, the long-legged lass is on solid footing in the industry.
Badass when needed
Deepika doesn’t give two ounces of well, anything. Her bravado in the face of the TOI controversy was applause-worthy. If you mess with her, you got to go!
An all rounder
She believes in all round development. Her support for sports in the country is well-known and so is the fact that she was a national-level badminton player.
She’s all for good causes
Deepika recently stated she will start her foundation to help people battling mental health issues. Her foundation will be called Live, Love, Laugh Foundation. Apart from this, she’s also a supporter of women’s empowerment and last year, she gave us a short film, My Choice.
Happy Birthday, Deepika Padukone! Keep rocking.
Source: Bookmyshow
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