Ranveer Singh‘s journey in Bollywood has been nothing short of a roller-coaster ride. From his debut in Band Baaja Baaraat in which he plays a typical Delhi boy (Bittoo Sharma) to playing Bajirao in Bajirao Mastani; Ranveer has come a long way. The only thing that has remained constant is his energy, which we absolutely love. Ranveer’s quirky ways have won the audience’s hearts. But we are not the only ones bowled over by his charm. His relationship with Deepika Padukone is no secret. And the way they handle it makes us go ga-ga over their chemistry. We think that every man can take a page out of Ranveer’s Book of Love and learn a thing or two.
LESSON 1: Learn To Take a Joke
There’s nothing sexier than a man with a sense of humor.
LESSON 2: Respect Elders
At the recent Filmfare event, Ranveer showed respect towards elders by touching Deepika’s father’s feet! Of course, it made headlines.
LESSON 3: A Little PDA Never Hurt Anyone
Jab pyaar kiya toh darna kya? Ranveer’s ‘paparazzi who-dat’ approach gets a big thumbs-up from us!
LESSON 4: The Right Amount of Possessive
Don’t lose it every time your girl talks to another man. SPACE is the keyword!
LESSON 5: Never Letting Insecurity Rule The Relationship
How many boyfriends would be comfortable with their partner working with her ex? Thank you for being so cool!
Dear Boyfriend, please learn.
Source: Bookmyshow
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