Whenever winter approaches the first thing which gets affected due to the change in weather is our immunity. And in order to build up good immunity to face the weather we tend to long for food which might help us boost our immunity. We generally think that sipping a rich mug of coffee and wiping off a plate of fried snacks are the ideal ways to warm self up. Let us break it to you that all those years you thought are the comfort foods have actually been making you fall ill. Have there been times when after sipping or munching on your favourite food follows a pain in the neck, literally? If yes, this is a must read.
We shortlisted some of the desired delights so that you can subtract these unhealthy foods from your diet to prevent cold and other viral diseases in winters.
1. Dairy products
Dairy products can assist in thickening of mucus. So if you’re feeling congested then consuming-milk based products can make it even worse. Apart from thickening your mucus and saliva, they can also make swallowing difficult causing pain in throat.
2. Coffee
Beverages like tea, coffee and soft drinks contain caffeine, which is a diuretic that dehydrates your body. Dehydration can lead to much thicker mucus, so it’s better to avoid caffeine and drink water instead.
3. Meat
Meat and eggs contain a lot of protein, which can cause a build-up of mucus in your throat. While fish and poultry are relatively safer, high-fat red meats and processed meats especially cause this problem, so try to buy meats that are organic and have not been processed.
4. Fatty Fried Foods
Fats and oils that have been derived from animal products, like butter, lard and omega-6 fatty acids, can cause you to produce more mucus. While you have a cold or cough, avoid these fats and stick to vegetable oils instead.
5. Grainy nuts
While dry roasted nuts do not cause mucus, oily nuts do. Seeds, legumes, rice and oatmeal also instigate mucus production, as do foods like pasta, bread and processed cereals.
6. Histamine rich foods
Histamine is a substance that helps your body fight allergies. If you are already unwell, eating foods that contain histamine can cause you to produce more mucus. These foods include eggs, tomatoes, spinach, avocados, mushrooms, dried fruits, alcohol, yogurt, vinegar and fermented foods. Other foods like strawberries, shellfish, papayas, pineapple, bananas and chocolate don’t contain histamine, but they do cause your body to produce it, resulting in more mucus.
Now that you know all foods that you considered the essence of winters can actually be harmful for your health, how about avoiding them when you see the symptoms of illness approaching you?
And if you really want to nosh on healthy food, visit foodpanda’s salads and snacks section to order your favourites this winter which we’ll deliver right at your doorstep – hot and fresh!
The post Foods to avoid congestion during winters appeared first on Magazine foodpanda India.
Source: Foodpanda
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