Temperatures are rising in living rooms. And it’s not just because it’s summer. Tayaji and mausi, bhua and nani – everyone has an opinion on the Indian Elections and on which party they support. Similarly, temperatures are rising when friends get together – endless discussions follow on which T20 team they support, which team is in peak form….However, amidst all these heated arguments and discussions, the good part is that there is unanimous decision when it comes to pizza. Domino’s Pizza Mania, which gives best taste, best choice and best value. Now there are 16 pizza options to choose from – hopefully, that should not become the reason for another heated discussion.
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To promote Domino’s Pizza Mania a hashtag contest was launched on Twitter. Participants were asked what makes them the biggest #PizzaMMManiac The most fun tweet won vouchers from Domino’s Pizza
Some fun tweets from our participants were….
The mania for Domino’s did not just stop there. Fans also changed their profile names to #PizzaMmmaniac to show their love for the offer.
Some pictures tweeted by our fans:
The contest hashtag trended in India
Source: Dominos India